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My Takeaways

Although this project is coming to an end, it doesn't mean that I can't continue learning about sustainability. I've learned so much by watching my peers' presentations, and I am now determined to make a change in my life.

I think that adding the aspect of watching other people's presentations, really enhanced the product of our unit. If we only focused on our own issue, then we would only be focusing on one issue. One global sustainability issue of hundreds. Instead, we were able to learn about 39 different issues, rather than one. There are much more issues around us relating to sustainability, however, at least we were able to learn about a large chunk of them.

Another part of this project that I personally enjoyed was that it was individual, and not in groups. When I work in groups, I tend to not always have a strong connection to the topic, because my work time is spent doing other things (like talking) instead of deeply investigating my topic. We were able to learn about our own topic, that we were truly passionate about. I learned so many things about my topic (Innovations to save water), and only a fraction of it was actually incorporated in my talk. If I was able to talk for 20 minutes, believe me, I would, because I was so passionate about my issue. There was no 'Bad' presentation because we could learn something from each and every one of them. Below, I will be expressing a few changes that I would like to incorporate in my life, based on some of my peers' presentation.

Firstly, I think I will definitely make a conscious effort to go paperless. It is so easy! I'll try to use my computer for almost everything in school unless I need to use paper for a specific reason, or it will benefit me greatly to use paper. I love going outside and seeing the trees in summer and would be extremely upset if there were no more trees left, because of all of the paper usage creating resource depletion.

As we are learning in Language and Literature class, something that identifies Canada is the snow during the winter time. It is so difficult for me to think that by the time I have children, there may be no snow during the winter in Canada. This is because of a huge issue called global warming. Through the presentation of my friend, Hannah, I am now vividly inspired to throw out garbage whenever possible and to pollute the air much less. I am trying to convince my father to get an electric car to replace his current one, so the environment gets less polluted, and in the long run, there will be a smaller chance of global warming overcoming the planet. I hadn't known this previously, but because of global warming, animals are going extinct, and islands are completely underwater because of the water levels rising. That's crazy and truly terrifying.

Lastly, I am going to try my best to be aware at all times. There are so many global sustainability issues, and although I cannot necessarily fix these issues by myself, I can raise awareness about them and make sure everyone knows about them. I can also change small things in my daily life like I stated above, to be the best I can be for the environment.

To conclude, I would like to thank all of you readers for reading this series of blog posts. I'll keep you all updated because I will possibly be starting my own personal blog page as I enjoyed blogging (for the first time) during this project.

Catch you next time!


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